PADI during the project phase of 2014-2017 worked in 24 Government primary schools and 8 Panchayath of eight taluk in D.K and Udupi District in order to create Child friendly environment that promotes quality education in primary schools. At the end of this project phase PADI had an external evaluation.
Below are the main achievements by the project during April 2014 to March 2017.
✓ Eight Education resource centres and Two Federations were successful in reaching out to 24 Government schools and eight Panchayath in creating child friendly environment .Project was successful in escalating 24 Gov-ernment schools which were poor according to the accessing parameter, 10 to the level of very good and fourteen to good.
✓ Meena and Child Right clubs in 24 Government School is successful in reducing school dropout rate by 98%.
✓ The advocacy efforts through Child right promoters at state level resulted in Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Right to call for state wide initiative to bring back to school the School dropout through the programme called “Shale kade Nanna Nade”.
✓ Through the Advocacy efforts of Child Right Promoters in 4 division of 16 District, conducted a stock taking of 480 Government primary Schools to access the status of Schools as per RTE Act 2009. The data reveals that in 85% schools subject wise teachers are not allocated by the Government and in 67%schools lack basic infrastructure facilities. Child Right promoters will present the report to Education department and will advocate for en-forcement of RTE Act .In new project phase these Child Right Promoters will be working as a collective force at the state level called “PAFRE” .
✓ A trained resource person team of 89 from the community on subject like Gender, Protection Of Children from Sexual Offence(POCSO) , RTE Act 2009, Domestic Violence, JJ Act and HIV and Health, are been recognized by Government line departments and are invited as resource person.
✓ Sustained Eight Education Resource center and Two Federations through PADI’s support were successful in bridging the gap between School and Panchayath in creating Child Friendly Panchayath.
✓ Long term efforts of Advocacy for lobbing for strengthening of SDMC, re-sulted in forming a state level SDMC Federation with the bye law.
✓ DIET of D.K to reduce corporal punishment in government schools has introduced an action research programme. Where a teacher from each
school is been trained on child psychology. This has help the teachers to develop strategies to teach without corporal punishment.
Below are the key learning’s of the project
✓ It is learned that involvement of children in the SDMC meetings is more important so as to address problems of the children effectively.
✓ Best practices followed by the school teachers to avoid corporal punish-ment need to be documented through booklet, to replicate and encourage these best practices in other schools.
✓ It is required to include even other networks at the state level to work, apart from focusing only on the networks working extensively on Child rights.
✓ Children in rural areas have a platform for addressing their issues through Child right Gram Sabha but such facility does not exist for children of Ur-ban /city areas.
✓ A strong network of SDMC needs to be formed at Panchayath level to ad-dress the educational issues and link these SDMC to State SDMC Network.
✓ Change in attitude and behaviour among parents and teachers towards cor-poral punishment and other social problems can be addressed effectively through acts and plays performed by the children.
✓ Unless there is ownership shown by the parents of the children enrolled in Government Primary schools and the other community members, it’s dif-ficult to create child friendly environment.
✓ Need to collaborate with existing Government Structure that is BRC’s and CRC’s, Village Health and Sanitation committees, ICDS committees, etc. to promote value-based education in primary schools.
✓ Need to advocate with the education department on the issue of implement-ing the revised D.Ed. curriculum and finalizing a training manual for the same.
✓ During the present phase project PADI’s initial work had been with teach-ers and school and had limited focus Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, (SSA) and Mid day Meal (MDM) wings of Zilla Panchayath and taluk Panchayath, Cluster Resource Persons/centres, Block Resource Persons/centres, etc. Therefore there is need to ensure they are involved in promoting quality education in all primary schools through different mechanisms.

Key recommendation from External Evaluators:

✓ Collaborate with existing government structures such as BRCs, CRCs, Village Health and Sanitation committees, ICDS committees, etc. to pro-mote value-based education in primary schools.
✓ Based on revised problem analysis, emerging trends in the primary educa-tion sector and child protection systems, the project is advised to draw out specific objectives and indicators using “SMART” principles. There can be at least two objectives which shall contribute to the overall goal of the project and, vision and mission of the organisation. One objective could relate to quality of primary education and another to Child Protection.
✓ It is strongly suggested that PADI advocate with the education department on the issue of implementing the revised D.Ed. curriculum and finalizing a training manual for the same. Further, PADI may work closely with one or two DIETs/Teacher Training Centres right from the stage of training potential teachers up to implementation in the schools and follow-up thereof.
✓ PADI is suggested to strengthen advocacy with persons in positions of political power and influence, through workshops, meetings, sensitization programs, etc.
✓ Regular monitoring, using the CFS, CFP and RTE Cell checklists may be done as a participatory exercise with all concerned stakeholders. It is strongly suggested to develop user-friendly community monitoring sys-tems for all components and train representatives of GPs, SDMCs, Chil-dren clubs and teachers on the same, in line with CFS and CFP checklists.
✓ All resource centres are encouraged to develop a workable fund mobiliza-tion strategy with clear targets and mechanisms, and work on the same. One needs to build multiple sources of funding.
✓ PADI and Resource Centres should provide need-based support to all block level RTE cells in terms of capacity building through workshops and meetings, monitoring, documentation, advocacy, etc. Later, learnings may be shared with sector departments, networks and NGOs for scaling up.
✓ PADI may continue to provide strategic support to PAFRE and Child Rights Centred Promoters to work on various issues of primary education through issue-based workshops and meetings, critical studies, advocacy events, etc.
✓ PADI in the new project phase has taken up the above stated recommenda-tion given by the evaluators. Specially: collaboration with as BRCs, CRCs, to promote value-based education in primary schools, Emphasis on imple-mentation of D.Ed curriculum, and development of user-friendly commu-nity monitoring systems.
The project for three years will work to improve the quality of education in 52 government primary schools of Udupi District and Dakshina Kannada District.
Quality education is the vital importance for not only to enhance the understand-ing and knowledge but is also an avenue for ensuring an all-round growth and development of his or her personality.
One of the major goals of RTE-SSA is to provide elementary education of equi-table quality to every child. As such, the program aims to bring a broad shift to-wards improvement of what is happening schools including classroom process and build up systems that are child-friendly and inclusive, responsive to each child’s needs and able to ensure their learning. Across the country, States are be-ing supported to design and implement comprehensive Quality Improvement Programs, to bring about overall changes in their teachers training , curricula, learning materials, learning processes, learning outcomes, assessment and moni-toring systems, in order to ensure that the quality of teaching learning is im-proved. Some of the programmes are as follows:
Academic Support Structures: Block Resource Centers (BRCs) and Cluster Re-source Centers (CRCs) are been set up by the Government to provide decentral-ized academic support, training and supervision to teachers and schools. There are subject-specific Resource Persons placed at each BRC and CRC who conduct training programs for teachers, and also visit schools to provide on-site support to teachers on pedagogic and content related issues. BRCs/CRCs are also involved in academic monitoring of schools, classroom observations, and development of resource materials for teachers and students. Monthly meetings are organized at CRCs for regular peer-sharing and reflective discussions. & use contextual teach-ing learning materials; action research is promoted to enable teachers to study various issues related to their teaching learning processes, etc.
Quality Monitoring: A computerized District Information System for Education (DISE) is operational in the both districts, which looks into several quality related parameters like student-classroom ratio, teacher-pupil ratio, teachers’ profiles and examination results. In addition, Government of India, with the help of NCERT, has operationalized a quarterly monitoring system in the form of Quality Moni-toring Tools (QMTs) to monitor quality aspects such as student attendance, teacher availability in schools, classroom practices, student learning achievement, academic supervision provided by BRC/ CRCs, community support, etc. The for-mats filled fail to give clear picture of student learning achievement, and class-room practice.
Even though it’s well in the reports and on papers but when intervening and while working closely with these institutions PADI has learned that it’s far from reality, CRP and BRC spend their 90% of the time in doing administration related work rather than doing actually assigned task.
While speaking on quality education in Government schools in D.K and Udupi district, as per the latest ASER (ASER 2014), approximately one-fourth of chil-dren enrolled at elementary level (Std. 1 to 8) attend private tuitions and Parents and students pay, on average, Rs 170 per month. DISE figures shows that an es-timated 48.87 percent school teachers in Karnataka were not even graduates. Of the 4.25 lakh teachers in Karnataka’s urban and rural schools 2.08 lakh teachers do not have a graduate degree, of which 3,000 teachers had passed below second-ary school, 63,000 secondary and 1.42 lakh higher secondary. According to the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, schools should have graduate teachers.
Apart from teachers qualification there are still other problems like
✓ Lack of Capacity building initiatives: The world is changing fast and the education system needs to keep up the pace but the government schools are still teaching age-old curriculums and methods. Capacity building for teachers is required so that they can cope-up with the current trends and adapt teaching methods that would keep the students motivated and inter-ested in the studies and make the best of their education.
✓ Excessive Non-Teaching Duties: Apart from teaching, all the government school teachers are assigned non-teaching work such as conducting census survey; facilitate polling during elections and various other activities which they have to compulsorily abide. It creates a lot of pressure on the teachers, a substantial amount of time is wasted in non-teaching work that affects the quality of education of the students as schools remains closed and even-if the schools are working, no classes are conducted.
✓ Lack of support from the families of students: In rural villages and among the migrants families most parents doesn’t allow their daughters to con-tinue their education after pre-primary or primary level whereas the drop-out ratio amongst boys increases manifold during high school as the parents want their sons to take-up a job and earn money for the family. Due to lack of support from the family, it becomes a very difficult task for the teachers to keep the students motivated in studies
The role of Teachers is most important in realizing the goal of imparting quality education. Massive Teacher training programmes should be conducted, non-teaching government tasks should not be assigned to the teachers, a strict moni-toring mechanism should be devised, infrastructural development of schools and awareness campaign for the parents of students in government schools should be conducted. At this stage, teaching-learning of basic foundational skills is the main agenda for primary education. Every year approximately around 2000 teacher’s are trained from the D.Ed education institution in Karnataka .It is utmost im-portant that these teachers who come out are well trained to impart quality ed-ucation . Schools are important institutions for both education and socialization. Not only does it mirror the dynamics played out in the society but it also has the
potential for bringing about attitudinal and behavioral changes in the students and indirectly the parents.
Therefore it’s an collective efforts from all the stakeholders may be Government Education institution, teacher trainees and trainers, parents, policy makers, elected representatives and community at large.
Parents and community passiveness has made the education departments to shun from their responsibility resulting in the absence of quality teachers, poor stand-ards of education in public schools, poor infrastructure and non child friendly schools, rise in child right issues.
For communities to be able to effectively play that role there is a need to empower the youth of the community, Parents, Self Help Groups and Panchayath Raj Insti-tution, so that they could play effective roles in promoting quality education in Primary Government School. Empowering the marginalised communities is cru-cial to laying the strong foundation for the healthy society.
To overcome these challenges the local communities, have a key role to play in encouraging environments that are conducive and provide quality education for every child. There is a need to advocate for children’s rights and hold concern authorities to account in fulfilling their obligations.
Reason for ineffective community participation:
✓ Ignorance among the parents on their role.
✓ Lack of community support system to promote child friendly atmosphere
✓ Education gauged on quantity and not quality by Govt
✓ Lack of propaganda & access to information on RTE and Child Right Acts.
✓ Lack of Child friendly school concept in the community.
✓ Negative attitude of the community to Government schools.
✓ Exclusion of parents and community in decision making process.
✓ Education department / schools’ authorities’ not ensuring meaningful participation of community/ parents in schools.
✓ No proper monitoring by education department.
✓ Non effective functioning of SDMC.
✓ Migration for livelihood.
✓ Children neglected in decision making process in schools and community.
✓ Dependency on government.
✓ Lack of knowledge and participation of school committee members in their oversight roles.
✓ Ineffective parents monitoring inside the classroom has resulted poor learn-ing in the class room.
✓ Decrease in Retention rate in school.
✓ Women and less Marginalised section in the community are neglected/ig-nored.
✓ Poor involvement of parents in SDMC and Parents meetings.
✓ New Schemes and scholarships are not been dispersed effectively.
✓ There is no collective voice to address the issue on non availability of quality education in Government primary schools
✓ Improper monitoring by Edu. Dept on implementation of RTE Act.
✓ Poor support received by people’s Representatives on child rights and qual-ity Education.
✓ Children’s problems are not addressed effectively.
✓ There is no unity/collective action among the people to address the children’s issues
✓ Poor involvement of parents in school development activities.
✓ No appropriate/need based plans are developed for school improvement.
✓ Government Grants/Funds are not used appropriately.
✓ Parents suggestion for school development are been ignored.
✓ Poor attendance in meetings called by Panchayath and school.
Though there are Acts for child rights protection and promotion of quality educa-tion, they are not implemented in spirit and nature due to various reasons such as lack of skills among government functionaries and civil society, lack of human and financial resources, limited political support and community support etc.
PADI through this project will intervene to address the problem by working with Teachers training institutes that are located in Udupi and D.K district for which there is a need to collaborate with Government education Department, Panchayath Raj institution of D.K and Udupi.
Very importantly acts are passed one of which is RTE act 2009 with an intention to promote quality education, there is a need to strengthen the SDMC and parents for its proper implementation. So that parents will began to demand for quality education and will monitor it and need felt will question the concern government authorities for the execution.
Stakeholders Analysis:
PADI to achieve the objective will work with following stakeholders:
Government Departments like: Government Education Department – Sarva Shik-sha Abhiyan, DIET, D.Ed training institutions of Udupi and D.K district, BRC,CRC, Women and Child Welfare Department, Police, Labour department, Karnataka State Commission for protection of Child Right, Panchayath Raj insti-tution,
Non Government organisation like DEEDS which works for women rights based in D.K district, Rotary clubs, Lions Club, Rotaract and Lioness Clubs and at state level there are Child Right Trust, Bangalore Pratham Mysore, and CACL-K whose focus area is on education and child rights. Thus not many NGOs are work-ing on the issues on Quality education in Government primary Education and
child right in the project area i.e. in Udupi and D.K District. Though Government, especially the education department has its system in place to monitor and in-creases community mobilisation, but their monitoring and follow up is very lim-ited due to staff spend 75% of the time on administration work. Further, govern-ment has limited focus on community participation.
It is utmost important to have a long-term impact and to achieve its development Goal, PADI will work for promoting quality education in Government Primary schools through Federation and its Education Resource Centre and active involve-ment of key stakeholders like CRC/CRPs, BRCs/BRPs, GP Secretaries/PDOs, teachers and elected representatives. And will work closely with D.Ed training institution.
Target Groups
PADI in order to promote quality education in Government Primary education in Udupi and D.K district along with the members of eight Education Resource Centres and its two federations will take active role in reaching out to 52 schools and 15 Panchayath in D.K and Udupi. PADI will intervene with six Cluster re-source centres to carry out the activities in 52 schools and 15 Panchayath and its 15 Child protection Committees. The three schools of Mangalore and Udupi taluk and its respective two Panchayath will be reached by PADI Education Resource Centre i.e. Mangalore Education Resource centre and Udupi Education Resource Centre. Therefore six schools and two Panchayath from the previous project are excluded in these new phase.
As Cluster Resource centre under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) were formed to conduct in-service teacher training and to provide academic support to teachers and schools on a regular basis as well as to help in community mobilization ac-tivities. PADI through this project will be reaching 52 schools of 15 Panchayath through these six Cluster Resource centres to achieve the outcome as indicated i.e. Child friendly environment exits in 52 Government Primary Schools of six taluks of Udupi and D.K.District.
PADI will be working hand in hand with Government line departments like Block Education Officer (BEO) of Education Department and DDPI, DIET, DSERT for effective monitoring the schools. Resource persons trained by Education Re-source Centre of PADI will conduct regular training for SDMC and also for teachers. PADI will be working closely with Government teachers training in-stitution like Centre for Teacher Education, DIET, Teacher trainers and Teacher trainees from Seven D.Ed Teachers training institutes.
The project will work with Panchayath Development officer (PDO), Elected Rep-resentatives, Members of Child protection Committees of 15 Panchayath, Execu-tive officer of Taluk Panchayath of 6 Taluks, and Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Panchayath i.e. Udupi and D.K District.
Through theatre training to the children Six Child Right Cultural Group with 100 children will be reached.
PADI through the sustained advocacy efforts will work with various representa-tives of networks and individual working on Education and child right called “People Alliance for Right to Education” will work in brining policy changes and for effective implementation of RTE Act 2009.
Indirect Intervention:
Project will indirectly work with all Children enrolled in 52 schools, Children, parents and teachers of Anganawadis in 6 clusters, CBO, NGO working in six clusters and at State level and District Administrator of Udupi and D.K district. MP, MLA’s of D.K and Udupi district will be reached through submission of recommendation for policy change and through other activities and programmes.
Participation of the target group in the planning process and the further participa-tion in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project:
The project design has been a result of consultation among key stakeholders that includes target group, Eight Education resource centre and two federations and project staff. Education Resource centres and federation will undertake regular monitoring of project activities and progress made towards attainment of objec-tives and sustainability of project outcomes through monthly meetings and peri-odical visits to project villages. Further, regular annual key stakeholders meetings or workshops will be held at project level to discuss efficiency and relevance of project activities and strategies and, emerging issues with regarding project goal and objectives. There will be representation from communities in the participatory internal evaluation that are being undertaken by the project.
1.Expected Outcome and Impact
“To contribute to a just, human and child friendly society in the State of Kar-nataka i.e. a society protecting child rights and ensuring children’s access to their right to quality education.”
The PROJECT OBJECTIVE to be accomplished within the project period (out-come level).
OBJECTIVE 1: To improve the quality of education in government primary schools of Udupi District and Dakshina Kannada District.
Indicators are:
1. Child friendly environment exits in 52 government primary schools , 15 Panchayath and its 15 Child protection committees in six taluks of Udupi and D.K.
a) Child friendly and participatory Curriculum and teaching methods fostering the creativity, interaction and personal development of children is practiced.
b) Identifying and resolving issues of Child rights Violations by Child Protection Committee.
c) Leadership among the girls is increased in 52 Govt schools.
d) identifying factors contributing to educational problems (low enrolment and dropout);
e) Child Right Cultural group of 100 children exist to create awareness on social issues.
f) 15Panchayath monitor 52 schools for creation of child friendly environment and child right protection system.
g) School development plan developed and implemented by SDMC together with school authorities.
h) Parents raise issues / influence decisions in the “Samudayadatta Shale” meeting.
i) Children’s Education / child rights included as an agenda item in the Grama Panchayath meeting.
j) Female leadership increased in SDMC of 54 Schools.
k) Children issues are raised and resolved in Child Right Gramasabha.
l) CRP/BRP and DIET visit the school for monitoring and provide inputs for improvisation and these inputs are implemented.
m) Teachers are trained to update their skills and knowledge by the depart-ments.
n) Timely release of government grants for maintenance and development school.
2. D.Ed Curriculum is implemented in seven D.Ed institutions (4 Colleges in D.K and 3 Colleges in Udupi District).
Diploma in Education Programme focuses on Professional preparation of 200 Teacher trainees with the aim of making them humane, reflective, versatile and effective teachers with following practice in teaching:
a) Action research.: Teacher trainee learn action research in first year and prepare themselves for their internship where they undertake a action re-search .A truly reflective professional can contextualize his/her knowledge to attend to issues that arise at workplace .Action research subsumes all other tools because it is a way for thinking and makes use of all available resources for addressing problems in the classroom among children.
b) Education Assessment and evaluation. :In order to make learning mean-ingful and quality oriented the emphasis from evaluation of quality has been shifted to evaluation for quality This calls for the process based evaluation and more importance to formative assessments than summative assessment.
c) Teacher development studies. This paper provides a space for personnel and professional growth of student teachers, which will facilitate teachers in making them humane, versatile, effective and reflective.
d) Education as practice: It facilitates the Teacher trainee in understanding the concept and nature of teaching as facilitation for learning and its rela-tionship to learning and learner. It will develop awareness of practicing inclusive education and also knowledge ,skills and dispositions required of versatile teacher.
3. Advocacy efforts have improved the RTE Act implementation in 120 Schools in four division and eight district of Karnataka i.e. (Raichur -Gulbarga, Bangalore-Ramanagara, Mysore—Udupi, D.K, Belagavi-Dharwad)
a) Systemic readiness and grievance Redressal.
b) SDMC monitoring the compliance of RTE Act.
Sub objective 1:
Two Federations and their 8 RCs function independently and a human resource force exists to bring transformation in Primary Education and protection of child right.
1. Federation and RCs are self-sufficient in terms of funds, i.e. fully cover their expenditures by own means.
2. Increase in Women representation by 70% in Federation and 70% in RC.
3. Two Federations and8 RCs have developed long term and short term objec-tives, and have one year work plan.
4. Federations/RCs act as resource persons for trainings etc. for communities, SDMCs, governments etc.
✓ The Government may take the initiative to close down the majority of the Government School due to lack of children, by merging it with Private Schools will be negative outcome. In such case Government initiative to merging these Government schools by creating one model Government school at a Panchayath level will be positive outcome.
✓ There may be increase in the number of new private English medium schools will be a negative outcome.
✓ Communal tensions especially D.K is one of the district that in recent years due to prevalence of Hindu fundamentalist and enforcement of restriction on food and cultural beliefs has created tensed situations.
✓ Natural calamities may hinder the implementation of the planned activities and strategies designed.
The instruments and methods PADI intend to apply to assess the outcome of the project
✓ Participatory reviews involving project team, Subject experts representa-tives SDMC, Children Cultural Groups , 52 Schools , 15 Panchayath, Eight ERC and Federation, PADI board, etc. to assess to what extent the project has achieved the project objectives through various participatory tools such as Focussed Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews, In-dividual questionnaire, experience sharing workshop, Feedbacks etc.
✓ The project will also hold annual internal workshops to assess the perfor-mance of the project staff.
✓ Board members are encouraged to undertake periodical visits to project vil-lages to assess the progress made against outcomes in addition to providing technical advice to staff and community organisations on implementation processes.
✓ The project will undertake documentation of success stories and best prac-tices mainly focussing on outcomes in the last quarter of the project.
Recognised and capacitated Education Resource centre and two federations will function independently and will become self sustainable:
ERC members will be trained in building professional skills. ERC will follow government legal compliance and will apply for government grants and effective measures will be adopted to improve the financial sustainability. ERC member-ship will be increased which will be able to spread the ideology of value based education to other areas too.ERC members will take up the issues pertaining to child right violation and promote awareness on child friendly environment in school and community.
Child Right Cultural Group:
The trained Children’s cultural group will exist in the community and the follow up of this will be taken by CRC and Meena Clubs of the Schools under the guid-ance of CRP’s .This group with the support of the community will be invited to perform in various places to spread awareness on various social issues.
SDMC Network:
A network of SDMC from the village level to state level will be formed and this network will function effectively with regular training and all the SDMC mem-bers will be aware of their role and responsibility.
Build the capacities of local bodies (Gram Panchayath) /Child Protection Com-mittees, Teachers /CRP/BRP:
The Gram Panchayath is constitutionally responsible for safety, security and wel-fare of community of their Gram Panchayath. Hence the project will build the capacities all Gram Panchayath that are associated with project so as to provide continuous overseeing support to the school. Further Gram Panchayath will con-duct regular subcommittee meetings and child protection committee meetings to ensure child right protection.
Teachers, Cluster resource persons and Block resource persons along with the education department will ensure quality education in school and will encourage effective community participation in creating child friendly environment in school.
State level network called PAFRE exist to advocate for child right issues : Trained Child right promoters ,NGO and other individuals who have collectively formed a network called PAFRE (People’s Alliance for Right to Education ) will advocate at the state level for protection of child right and for quality educa-tion .Their efforts will be continued even after the project ends .
Quality education prevails through implementation of D.Ed curriculum: The teachers trained as per the new D.Ed Curriculum will develop the teachers with quality teaching .These trained teachers will work for promotion of quality edu-cation .The Education department will take the follow up in training the teachers based on new D.Ed curriculum. A team of experts which will include education-alist, subject experts will be formed and in regular intervals review will be done and need based training and consultation will conducted.
2.Risk Assessment
Possible risks that might jeopardise project implementation and achievement of the project objective.
Political risks: Frequent transfers of government officers is a hurdle for effective implementation of child development programmes and advocacy.
Solutions: Ensuring people’s participation in planning. Obtaining proper MOU to work without any hurdles.
High rate of Staff turnover: PADI has may experience the resignations of trained staff in the middle of the project. New staff appointed may take time to
understand the concept thus delaying the accomplishment planed tasks and achieving the outcome.
Solutions: PADI while designing the budget has allocated good salary for the staff and while appointing too will appoint the staff with the understanding for retention for minimum three years. PADI will have Knowledge management system in place for which training will be conducted for the staff.
Component Objective Indicator Activities
Community participation in promoting quality educa-tion and child protection in primary school.
Child friendly environment exist in six cluster of 52 government primary schools and in the Community and its organi-sation ie 15 Panchayath,15 child Protec-tion Commit-tees
1. The quality of education in 52 govern-ment primary schools of Udupi District and Dakshina Kannada Dis-trict has im-proved.
➢ Orientation On assesing Functioing Of SDMC to RC RP.
➢ Consultation meeting with SDMC mem-bers to assess their capacity & the status of performance of SDMC’s in schools at cluster level.
➢ Consultation for Developing training mod-ules for target groups.
➢ Capacity building programme for the target group (designing school development plan, implementation , monitoring, As-sessment) at cluster level.
➢ Half yearly progress review of target group based on training.
➢ Consultation Programme on School com-munity Fest.. School Community Fest .
➢ Consultation meeting with Threatre Per-sonality on child friendly Concept.
➢ Formation for child rights cultural group (20-25 Children) at Cluster Level.
➢ Theatre Workshop for child right cultural group at cluster level on Child friendly concept, community participation, gender equality, corporal punishment, child mar-riage, child labour, GP, Child right Gram Sabha.
➢ Performance of the child right cultural group to Spread/promote child friendly
environment & also mobilize community participation.
➢ Follow up of the theatre workshop CRCG.
➢ Review of CRCG at cluster level.
➢ CRCG , CRC , Meena, CP Representatives interface programmes with child related line departments.
➢ Documentary film on Child Friendly con-cept. (Including CRCG).
➢ Preliminary Consultation with Depart-ment( district and State ).
➢ Assessment of understanding the concept of child friendly Panchayath, School & CPC. child friendly Panchayath, School & CPC.
➢ Orientation On assessing Functioning Of Gram Panchayath and CPC.
➢ Consultation meeting with Panchayath Body to assess their capacity & the status of performance on Monitoring the (CF SDMC & CPC).
➢ Capacity building programme for the target group (designing school Monitoring Plan, implementation , monitoring, Assess-ment) at cluster level.
➢ Half yearly progress review of target group based on training.
2). D.Ed Cur-riculum is imple-mented in seven D.Ed institutions and two hun-dred teach-ers will emerge with quality teachers. (4 Colleges in D.K and 3 Colleges in Udupi Dis-trict).
➢ Consultation with DIET& D.Ed institution officer and Subject experts to implement the D.Ed Curriculum.
➢ Need assessment to implement D.Ed Cur-riculum.
➢ Final presentation on the need assessment study report .
➢ Induction training for teacher educator four days.
➢ Consultation and review (once in four month)
➢ Follow up desk meetings with concern of-ficers and elected representative for imple-mentation of D.Ed curriculum.
3)Advocacy efforts has improved the RTE Act im-plementa-tion in 120 Schools in four (Rai-chur -Gulbarga, Banga-lore-Ra-managara, Mysore—Udupi,D.K, Bela-gavi-Dharwad, divisions in Karna-taka)
➢ Consultation and orientation with RTE pro-moters in four divisions. (40 -promoters -5 from each district).
➢ Training of SDMC network in 8 districts of four divisions.
➢ State level advocacy with various net-works.(PAFRE)
➢ State level convention on implementation of RTE Act
Self sus-taianability of ERCs and Fedara-tion
To make the ERCs and fed-eration self sustainable.
1. Two Feder-ations and 8 ERCs be-come self sustained and func-tion inde-pendently in D.K and Udupi Dis-trict in spreading out the concept of child friendly en-vironment
2. Each ERC (i.e. 8) will have a fi-nancial turn-over of above INR 50000 annu-ally.
3. Financial sustainabil-ity of 2 Fed-erations through Government grants and CSR funds.
➢ Self Assessment of Federation & RC’s fa-cilitated by PADI(Preparing tool, Adminis-tering the tool & Assessment with the mem-bers)
➢ Programme for building professionalism skills among existing ERC EC members (Programme planning, reporting, process documentation, monitoring the outcome, fund raising skills).
➢ Professionalized training programme for ERC federation EC members (Training on effective Administration, Monitoring Ad-vocacy Unit and assessing ERC Pro-gramme planning on Community participa-tion and its implementation, documenta-tion, and on Fund raising).
➢ Workshop on fund raising to ERC’s Feder-ation & PADI Team.
➢ Follow up of the Fund raising workshop.
➢ (Review of the fund raising plan and pro-gramme).
➢ Refresher programme for resource team
(Media, Publication, News Letter, Thematic subjects like RTE Act, new emerging poli-cies /Acts etc.)