(Set in September 2019)
PADI during the project phase of 2017-2020 worked in 52 Government primary schools and 15 Panchayaths of 8 taluks of Dakshina Kannada & Udupi Districts of Karnataka with an objective to promote Quality Education in Government Primary schools and to improve the precondition and extended it to the State level by net-working and capacitating RTE Promoters. Also concentrated on D.Ed curriculum to improve the teacher education in 7 D.Ed Institutions with the aim of preparing teacher trainees humane, reflective, versatile and effective teachers. To strengthen the capacities of 2 Federation and 8 Education Resource Centres of 2 districts Pro-ject focussed on the developing the resources in human and Financial aspects as well to bring the transformation in Primary education and Child rights and Protec-tion. During the implementation of the Project we have identified major achieve-ments as below:-
School level SDMC training module prepared by PADI in consultation with Education department has become a model for advocating for replicating such school based training at low cost in other Government schools of Kar-nataka.
PADI through its school based SDMC training included not just 18 elected parents’ representatives but also included three ex-officio and three nomi-nated members, due to which School could implement 80% of their School Development Plan. Due to this participatory drafting School Development Plan in all the 52 schools, helped in overall development of the school, which resulted in increased enrolment by 11%, prevent dropout, improve basic in-frastructural facilities specially focusing girls like separate toilets with run-ning water, provision of sanitary pads in schools with proper disposal facility. The outcome of inclusion of ex-officio and nominated members helped in advocating at macro level for inclusion nominated members in school based SDMC training.
Increased women representation from 51% (in first year of the project phase) to 62.64 %( 3rd year of the phase) in SDMC’s and active women participation in training and decision making process.
11 Schools constructed boundary walls for securing the infrastructures and to develop the kitchen garden. 50% of the schools after first level SDMC train-ing, have grown kitchen garden which has helped in serving nutritious low cost midday meal additional to pulses provided by Government, this has brought joy and life skill learning to the children.
Girls’ representation is higher in 52 schools. (56% of Girls represent in Child right Clubs, 62% in School cabinet).
A major achievement we observed through the Child right Grama Sabha in all 15 Panchayaths & Interface programme with the representation of chil-dren (Involvement of school cabinet & Child Rights Clubs representatives) in cluster level with Government Line department working for children(i.e.
District Child protection officer, Child development Project Officer, Child line personnel, Police, Local elected representatives, Labour etc.), that con-cerned departments acted on the demands related to provision of tar roads, to and fro public transport facility to commute to schools, sanctioning bore wells to 3 schools which had water scarcity during summer for safe drinking, running water for toilets and kitchens as well to develop the kitchen garden. Also inclusion of children till the age of 18 years under their jurisdiction for Child right Gramasabha.
52 Schools have a functional grievance Redressal system which has paved way for possessing school based Child Protection Policy, forming child pro-tection committee, monitoring of the suggestion box.
6 Trained Child Rights Cultural Groups exist in 6 clusters, 165(91 Girls; 20 SC/ST; ) Children are trained on various social problems distressing children, whereby the children have become change agents in their localities, have re-sulted active and regular participation of Government line departments like District Child protection officer ,Child development Project Officer, Child line personnel, Police ,Local elected representatives, Labour in 15 Child Protection Committees of Panchayaths.
In the initial stage of this project phase, children needs and issues were on the general agenda of Gram Panchayath Monthly Meetings, whereas at the end of this Project phase the child related issues including Education & Protection has been prioritised as one of the main agenda and given significance in the discussions. This is practiced in 10 Panchayaths.
The result of previous phase intervention DSERT has included “Early Child-hood Education” chapter in revised D.Ed curriculum.
Induction training module prepared by PADI in collaboration with DIET, is been accepted by the DIET and using the same for their institution, which is the foremost achievement of the Project.
Both the Federations are able to complete the 80% of the legal compliance procedures.
2 federations showing improvements in the financial transaction and human resources too. 20 effective Resource Persons extending their services to the Government line departments and involving themselves in the Studies and surveys of PADI organization are major observation. The RPs are uti-lized to train the RTE Awareness and to strengthening the SDMCs in state level. Actively involving in Advocacy by framing committees inclusion of representatives of its Units. These committees able to identify the issues pre-vailing in the districts and approach the concerned.
PADI, Federation & ERC representative associating in the child related Gov-ernment structure/systems and working to strengthen and Monitor to lead to-wards the just humane society.
While working in State level the socio-economic cultural conditions compar-atively very different from the D.K. & Udupi, especially in community par-ticipation, low literacy, discrimination in caste, superstitious beliefs, gender and child right violations. The intervention is very important considering all the above factors.
While working at state level in 8 districts of four division, empowerment of SDMC is indispensible towards improving basic requirements mentioned in RTE Act, and demand for RTE compliances.
State level consultation with RTE promoters and SDMC helped us to under-stand that concerned authorities and procedures to address the violation of the RTE Act 2009,as mentioned in RTE Act 2009 and Karnataka rules doesn’t function ,hence there is need for advocating this issue at macro level.
The nominated members (Panchayath Member-local govt member, senior teacher, Representative of children, and Ex Officio representatives, School HM, Anganwadie teacher, and ANM) are neglected in SDMC Trainings of Education Department, inclusion of them is very important to address the problems pertaining to basic amenities and infrastructural needs.
Need to include study exchange programs as part of SDMC training, this in-itiative will make trainings of SDMC more attractive and it encourages effi-ciency by observation of the best practices of other SDMCs’.
District level RTE promoters to be developed to strengthen the PAFRE at state level to voice out and advocate the issues on RTE compliances to the Department, authorities and Government in both micro and macro level.
Mass movement through parents’ initiative to address the attitude and behav-iour of the children and parents and also develop the skills towards proper nurturing the children. This can prevent teachers from taking adverse measures like Corporal punishments, sexual harassments, suicides among students.
Yearly school based training can help in updating and training the new SDMC members that get elected /nominated, as the Education department undertakes training for SDMC once in three years there is a need to allocate funds and provisions for yearly school based training.
Participatory self-assessment with activity based approach of assessing the parameters at school and Panchayaths helped School SDMC and Pancha-yaths for accepting the need for change through self realisation and also could collectively work for implementing the action plan .
Federation of Udupi and D.K need to be strengthened for speeding their ad-vocacy efforts at state level.
➢ 6-14 year old children are in classes 1-8.
➢ Required infrastructure and human resources for providing eight years of free, compulsory, relevant and quality education are in place.
➢ Education becomes a means of genuine empowerment of the individual to achieve his/her full potential.
➢ Learning process is made locally relevant, child-centered, activity-based and joyful.
➢ Educational management is decentralized to the community and that the com-munity takes ownership to ensure children’s right to education.
Poor quality and insufficient trainings for SDMC members for effective School Management as explained in the RTE Act 2009 – Karnataka Rules 2012.
To implement the free & Compulsory Education act 2009, Karnataka Government enforced the rules in the year 2012. In this rule (Part 5) it is very largely explained the Roles and responsibilities of SDMC members and highlighting that the SDMC members should play the greater role in the school for its overall development. Though the responsibilities are mentioned in the rules, government not allocated the proper budget and plan for the trainings to all the SDMC members at school level. Even though there are no proper plan and guideline to the respective authorities and systems to monitor the School development by the Education Department of Karnataka Government. The Project understands by its previous experience it is found that the present training modules of Education Department are not giving the clear knowledge of the various components of school development like community participation in school development, improvise the basic amenities, monitoring the grievance mechanism systems in school and assess the quality levels of learning of the children.
❖ There are no scope of trainings for all the SDMC members at the school level, it is only restricted for 25% of the members.
❖ The planned trainings of Education Department are conducted 2 days once in 3 years with combining two to three clusters together. Since this is at clusters level: the attendance is too less, though there is possibility of involv-ing 25% members. It is a challenging to empower the SDMC members at the school level which resulted in poor quality without the proper understanding of the Roles & responsibilities assigned to them in the RTE Act/Rules.
❖ Lack of capacity to conduct the SDMC Meetings at school level by the SDMC.
❖ Inability to comprehend the nature of the School Development Plan (SDP) and to prepare the SDP at school through the community participation and to submit the same to the competent authorities.
❖ There is no awareness to SDMC members on RTE Act, RTE rules and its RTE Compliance (ref: Schedule of RTE Act).
❖ SDMC members are unaware of the monitoring the Grievance Redressal sys-tems (make use of Suggestion box, Child right Club Activities, School Parlia-ment, Child Protection Committee)at school level.
❖ Lack of monitoring and input on school level SDP.
❖ Monitoring tools designed by Education department to assess the perfor-mance of the SDMCs is not given prominence by the CRP’s despite the re-sponsibilities assigned.
❖ Lack of qualitative participation from the women in the decision making pro-cess of SDMC despite their strong presence.
❖ Absence of specific training modules coupled with budget allocation at the school level SDMC in Education Department.
❖ HMs (Secretary of SDMC), Teachers are overburdened on the additional re-sponsibilities along with their academic work to train the SDMCs.
❖ No sufficient budget allocated for the SDMC trainings at the state Govern-ment.
❖ School Parents’ councils do not participate in School Development Activities as per the RTE rules.
❖ School Parents’ Council meetings are not conducted at the school level to address the learning and behavioral aspects of children by the SDMC as per the RTE Rules.
❖ SDMCs are unaware of the Redressal Mechanism systems (GP, ZP TP, BEO, DDPI, KSCPCR, CWC) which are existed as per the RTE act (Ref. RTE ACT Chapter 3, chapter 6 and amendment Act 2015-role of CWC).
Due to all the above reasons it effected in the implementation of RTE act, spe-cially the RTE compliances in the schools. Hence, first and foremost efforts to strengthen the SDMCs through regular schools based trainings; proper monitor-ing and guidance which will ensure the larger communities to part take in the overall development of the government primary schools of Karnataka.
Ineffective implementation of the Policies in the State of Karnataka to foster Quality Education at Government Primary schools.
Concerned Government Authorities does not have the common policy to empower the SDMCs. Therefore, the limited members get the trainings to understand the roles
& responsibilities. There are 43,492 schools in Karnataka state, and 10,43,808 SDMC members existed (each SDMC consists 24 members). Out of which 2, 60,952 (25%) only getting SDMC training resulted the low quality in overall School development of Karnataka state. KSCPCR, one of the state level authorities of RTE Act are not taking interest towards the development of Government schools is one of major findings which is directly affecting in the implementation of Act. Since 2012 till date there are no such recommendations forwarded to the Government of Karnataka by the KSCPCR. Highlights of the situation are as follows;
❖ Lack of government orders and circulars in order to undertake the SDMC training at school level.
❖ Lack of adequate budget provision for SDMC trainings at the Education De-partment.
❖ Deficiency of clear orders on timely assessment of the SDMC performance by Education Department at school, cluster and the BEO level.
❖ As per the RTE Act, redressal mechanism is not functioning effectively.
❖ Above 90% of circulars released by the Education department focused on RTE Act section 12(1)c, whereas all other sections and schedules are ig-nored.
❖ To this day, there is no such study which is conducted by the authority/Edu-cation Department on the present status of RTE compliance in the schools.
Lack of Monitoring RTE Act by the local Authorities to the promotion of quality education in government Schools of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada.
The enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009, which provides for clear devolution of the powers to Central, State and Local Authority for the effective implementation of the Act. RTE Act in section 7 (1) to 7 (6), section 8 and section 9 clearly enunciate the role and responsibilities of the Central, State and local authority respectively towards the effective implementation of the RTE Act. Particularly section 9 of the RTE Act, the onus of providing ele-mentary education is on the local authorities and also ensures that it provides the Free & Compulsory Education to every child, in a neighborhood school. It clearly lays down the duties of the local authorities to ensure that the children belonging to the weaker section and disadvantage groups are not discriminated against and prevented from pursuing and completing education; Maintain the records of all chil-dren up to the age of 14 years within its jurisdiction; ensure and monitor and admis-sion, attendance, completion of elementary education by every child within its ju-risdiction; provide infrastructure; ensure good quality of elementary education con-firming to the standards and norms to the standard and norms; provide trainings facilities for teachers; ensure admission of children of migrant families; monitor the functioning of schools within its jurisdictions; and to decide the academic cal-endar.
❖ Lack of awareness due to the absence of training in relation to various provisions of RTE Act including section 9.
❖ Lack of systematic information flow
❖ Legislation not resulting in appropriate implementation procedures
❖ Lack of participation of Local Authorities functionaries in the Educa-tion Process
❖ Overload of development work due to lack of human resources
❖ Lack of education among the elected members/representatives of Lo-cal authorities.
❖ No opportunities for Children to express their voice related to RTE & Child Rights.
❖ Challenge of decentralization of Education Management
❖ Lack of resources and devolution of powers and finances to the local authorities to implement RTE act at the grass roots.
❖ Non existence of convergence between Education Department & Lo-cal authorities
❖ More concentrating on infrastructure rather than educational needs
Considering the above ground, there is the need to build the capacities of elected representatives of Local authorities and the need to enable them to implement their roles & responsibilities assigned to them under the RTE act & section. Also, it is very much essential to work in convergence with vari-ous Child Related Government line department i.e. Education, Panchayath raj, Municipality, Women & Child Development, Labor and social welfare Departments and all the other stakeholders.
In the current phase of project, PADI since 2017 has been working with the objec-tive to achieve the quality of education in Government Primary Schools and im-proving preconditions for it in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts. To fulfill the objective PADI worked with 15 Panchayaths and selected 52 Schools under its ju-risdiction of 6 taluks of 2 districts in strengthening the SDMC through school based training. Outcome achieved made PADI to think that there is need for macro level advocacy to demand the Karnataka State Government for school based trainings to all SDMC’s once in every year with regular guidance from Block and Cluster Re-source Persons with sufficient budgetary allocation. And also to empower the local authorities for the effective implementation of RTE act as per the section 9.
At present Karnataka Government has allocated provision for conducting Trainings 2 days in once in 3 years at the block level of each taluk with representation from each school for only 2 SDMC members. But there is no such provisions made for the trainings for elected members by the State Government. There is no conver-gence between Education Department and Local Authorities under Pancha-yathraj/Municipal Authorities. The LOCAL AUTHORITIES definition comprises
of Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council, Nagar Panchayath, Grama/Ta-luk/Zilla Panchayath in any City, Town and Village.
Right To Education Act 2009 (RTE Act) clearly states the compliances, that every school should adhere to.
There is a need to work towards the implementation of RTE Act in its true spirit and making provision for RTE compliance PADI feels therefore there is need for macro level advocacy with the state Authority, Karnataka State Child Rights & Protection Commission for RTE compliance.
PADI, will work in 8 districts of 4 divisions of Karnataka reaching out to 61 schools SDMCs and 24 Local authorities of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada Districts, thus creating a model by implementing RTE Act through effective participatory School Development and Management Committee and empowering the local authorities to perform their responsibilities as per the section 9 of RTE Act.
PADI to achieve the objective will work with the stakeholders of Child related Gov-ernment Line Departments, viz , Education Department – Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan ,Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Women & Child De-velopment Department, Department of State Educational Research and Training, 61government Primary Schools and its SDMC’s of 8 Districts of 4 Divisions in Karnataka and 24 local Authorities of Dakshina Kannada & Udupi (detail will be forwarded after the Baseline collection of this Project)
“To contribute to a just, human and child friendly society in the State of Karnataka i.e. a society protecting child rights and ensuring children’s access to their right to quality education.”
The project objective to be accomplished within the project period (outcome level).
“Improved Monitoring and Implementation of RTE Act at Local Authorities of Udupi & D.K. districts and Government Primary Schools in 8 Districts of 4 divi-sions in Karnataka by 2023.
Indicator 1: (Differentiated by gender dimension)
61 SDMCs with (50% women Members) ensured that 50% of the compliances com-ponents of RTE Act are implemented in 61 Government Primary Schools of 8 districts of 4 divisions in Karkanata by 2023
Indicator 2:
By 2023, Ministry of Education, Karnataka Government will make decisions (Issue circulars), and provide the budget for School level trainings for all SDMC members.
Indicator 3:
24 in number Local Authorities (GP, Town, Corporation), Monitor the Government Primary Schools of its jurisdiction as per the RTE Act in Dakshina Kannada & Udupi Districts of Karnataka.
The possible unintended (positive and negative) outcomes or impacts of the project.
Unintended positive outcomes
State level SDMC FORUM will be act as pressure group for advocacy of Pro-ject’s issues
Government may release the Government orders and circulars with the suffi-cient budget for school based SDMC training
Increase in the allocation of Annual budget towards the Primary Education in state level.
Existing Child Protection Policy will be enacted as Act.
Effective implementation of grievance Redressal mechanism on RTE in all level
Urban local authorities will also conduct the Child Right Nagara Sabha
Unintended negative outcomes
Though all the efforts taken, there may be delay in allocating funds, approval trainings and MOUs by the Karnataka Education Department.
All RTE compliances may not be adhered in 61 schools due to the external factors/Policies.
Has the baseline data been collected and documented? If not: When and how do you intend to collect and document the data?
No; September 2020; Project will conduct the survey to get the Baseline data before March 2020.
The instruments and methods PADI intend to apply to assess the outcome of the project?
➢ Standard Outcome and Impact based Monitoring Tools; Focus Group Discus-sions; Comparative Studies between the intervention and non intervention schools within vicinity; consultation with stakeholders.
➢ The project will also hold annual internal workshops to assess the performance of the project staff.
➢ Board members are encouraged to undertake periodical visits to project villages to assess the progress made against outcomes in addition to providing technical advice to staff and community organisations on implementation processes.
➢ The project will undertake documentation of success stories and best practices mainly focussing on outcomes in the last quarter of the project.
➢ Project internal and external Review.
➢ External Evaluation.
The measures do you intend to apply to ensure the sustainability of the above stated intended outcome?
➢ Recommendation through related RTE Act monitoring Authority KSCPCR to take stock taking on RTE Compliance.
➢ Trainings SDMCs to understand the RTE Acts and lobbying the government for the implementation of RTE Compliances.
➢ Trainings to the Elected Representatives and officials of the Local Authorities.
➢ Consultations, workshops, dialogues with the concerned state level networks to issue the Circulars for school based trainings and annual budget allocation for the trainings.
➢ Trainings to mobilise the local resources to strengthen the SDMCs, Schools and the Federations (Civil society Organisation).
➢ 61 exemplary SDMCs will be the model for other government primary schools SDMCs to work with the Government line department related to RTE Act to implement the RTE Compliances.
➢ 24 Local authorities become a Model for effective implementation of section 9 of RTE Act.
The Activities of New Phase
Indicator 1:
Preliminary Activities of before implementation of the Project.
• Baseline Data Collection tool preparation
• Identification of collaborators/networks in Karnataka
• Baseline Data Collection training for network representatives
• Dialogue with DSERT to get the permission of data Collection
• Finalization of schools clusters and districts of 4 Divisions
• Baseline Data Collection at 61 schools and 16 uncontrolled schools
• Baseline data compliance and analysis report
1. Consultation for Present the baseline data to the stake holders.
2. Consultation with Government Authority to finalise the MOU
3. District level Consultation & review with the DDPI/BEO/CRP/BRP/HM
4. Consultation for finalisation of monitoring tool on RTE Compliances & Prepa-ration of Standard checklist on school Situation tool
5. Consultation with expertise on SATWA SDMC Training Manual for the SDMC Empowerment as per the RTE Compliances. ( Role & Responsibility of SDMC, SDP, RTE compliances, Monitoring & Assessment)
6. Orientation for 40 RTE Promoters to understand the situations of schools of 8 clusters. ( 61 Schools of 8 cluster)
7. 61 School level Intervention by the MTs to understand the school situation based on the standard checklist.
8. Presentation of School intervention report by the 40 RTE Promoters and selec-tion process of 8 MTs of 8 clusters.
9. Training for 8 MTs & 8 CRP’s on School based SDMC of 8 Districts of 4 divi-sions.
10. School level SDMC Trainings at 61 schools in 4 levels
11. Preparation of quarterly Review tool on RTE Compliances.
12. Quarterly Review on RTE Compliances in 8 Clusters of 8 Districts of 4 division at cluster level.
13. Half Yearly assessment at 61 schools
14. District level convention on RTE Implementation with Stake Holders
15. Impact study of 61+16 Project Schools & uncontrolled Schools.
16. Intervention with School Authority by the Cluster level Mater Trainers- at 61 schools
Indicator 2:
1. Consultation with stakeholders with regard to the RTE compliances in all the schools of Karnataka
2. Convergence Consultation with the Education Department/DSERT, SCPCR, SDMC Representatives, Children Representatives, Parents council members, Civil society Representatives, Teachers Representatives.
3. Consultation with KSCPCR and Ministry of Education on the School Based SDMC trainings and presentation of the recommendations on the basis of situation Analysis of 77 schools.
4. Regular Dialogues on final approval and allocation of budget with the educa-tion ministry and dept.
5. State level Seminar on Implementation of RTE Compliances in Schools & Monitoring of Implementation of RTE Act by the local Authorities with Policy makers. Indicator 3: 1. Present situation study on the role performed by the 24 local Authorities on the basis of school Monitoring.( Preparation of monitoring tool, training of to con-duct the study , baseline data collection) 2. Presentation of situational analysis with expertised and volunteers of 2 districts. 3. Consultation with District Authorities on Monitoring of the Implementation of RTE Act by the local authority.
4. Training module preparation workshop on the subject of RTE; Sustained Devel-opment Goal; Child right and Child related Acts to empower the Local Authori-ties 5. Trainings for 40 Resource Persons of 2 Federation in different subjects under RTE; Sustained Development Goal; Child right and Child related Acts to em-power the Local Authorities 6. Trainings on 4 subject to the local Authorities. 7. Preparation of Review tool to the guage the performance of local Authorities. 8. Quarterly review with Target group/local authority based on the training out come, 9. Awareness through skilled Cultural Groups to create awareness to general Public on Child Rights and RTE Act in Town/Village 10. Workshops on Resource Development for Advocacy and Community own-ership. 11. Half yearly Assessment
2.Risk Assessment
Frequent transfers of government officers are a hurdle for effective implementation of RTE compliances and for advocacy process.
Solutions: Ensuring people’s participation in planning. Obtaining proper MOU with Government Department to work without any hurdles.
PADI may experience the frequent changes in the trained staff. New staff appointed may take time to understand the concept thus delaying the accomplishment planned tasks and achieving the outcome.
Solutions: PADI while designing the budget has allocated good salary for the staff and while appointing too will appoint the staff with the understanding for retention for minimum three years. PADI will have Knowledge Management Sys-tem in place for which training will be conducted for the staff.
Since we extend our Project to North Karnataka the most of the districts are af-fected with different natural calamities like drought area and rain affected which can hamper the Project planned programmes.
Solutions: The Program planning is done by considering the above.