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  1. Capacitation Programme for  2 District Federation for enhancing leadership skills for independent management of Taluk ERCs  & advocacy on quality education and Child Rights. 
  2. Training Manual Guide preparation workshop on RTE, Gender, POCSO, Domestic Violence & HIV/AIDS  
  3. Sustained & informative Resource persons team developed to support child right & quality education through regular training program on  RTE, gender, POCSO, domestic Violences &  HIV/AIDS 
  4. Regular fellowship programme to spread the ERC ideology through the Resource persons team.
  5. Awareness and Interaction with Stakeholders on the  functioning of RTE Cell
  6. Awareness programme on Model child friendly Panchayath, its Schools and SDMCs.
  7. Dialogue with education department to conduct the awarness on Model child friendly Panchayath its Schools and SDMCs.
  8.  Consultation with the members of Child Rights Club & Meena Clubs on the subject of Model child friendly Panchayath, its Schools and SDMCs concept.
  9. Orientation and capacitation programmes for  Inter-District child centered promoters group on child friendly environment and quality education who will carry out advocacy at their own district
  10. Workshop on  Designing the tools for data collection on RTE and child friendly school stock taking at State level
  11. Statelevel data collection on child friendly school and RTE stock taking .  
  12. A Research Study on “Homework” 
  13. Documentation 
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Goals & Objects

Project Goal


To build humane society through the primary education sector in Karnataka State.


To work towards building a humane structures and value systems in the field of Primary education and Teacher Education i.e. in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts in Karnataka State.GOAL

To work towards building a humane structures and value systems in the field of Primary education and Teacher Education i.e. in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts in Karnataka State.

Supportive objectives to reach the Project Goal:-

Objective  1:

Sustained community owned ERC Federation and functional RCs and RTE Cells, Model Child Friendly School and Child Friendly Panchayath to protect child Rights and Promote Right to education in the 2 target districts.

Objective 2

State level Child centered Promoters to support Child Protection Systems for romoting Quality Education and Child Friendly environment through Advocacy

Objectives 3

Advocacy to bring about change in the education system to support Child Friendly school and constitutional values.

Objectives 4:

Informative and evidence based documentation centre exclusively for Child Right and quality education.

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Education is the fundamental tool for social transformation. Through education we can inculcate human values among children as well as society, but even after 57 years of India’s independence the education system in the country is still the stereo type, teacher centered, dictatorship and unfriendly. Primary schools in particular should have been the cradle of culture to bring about a progressive change in the education system and in-particular value oriented, but this is not so. With too much of political interference and vested interest the education system, in-particular rural areas shows absolute poor improvement, be it “ the physical structure, administrative structure or the social structure”. The rural poor are the docile instruments in the hands of the elite and the politicians who are treated as puppets to dance to their tunes. Padi/ValoredBelieves that the right to education and the right to have a full childhood belongs to every childhood belongs to every child of the world. In our country millions of our children do now have access to schooling but are enslaved in hard work right from their early years and this is more permanently seen in the girl child who is quite often forced to shoulder all the household responsibility at a very tender age. She has been neglected not only at home but even in the schools she receives the 2nd place. The Dhalith are the other group that are also neglected by the society, the elite and the Education apartment. The discrimination in schools and hostels, corruption, insensitivity of policy makers on certain issues has been the main cause for the discrimination that are prevailing in schools. This is what leads to Dhalith dropouts, girl child drop out. The teachers, the community need to be conscious regarding this fact and to imbibe in them new values that upgrades the lives of girl children and the Dhalith children. One of the most fundamental aspects of sustainable development is the building up of a sound human value system

Our Founder and Philosopher

Valored is a brain child of the great visionary, the late Dr. Desmond D’Abreo. Dr Desmond had done his doctoral studies in Paris in 1964 on educational psychology and had been director of the religious and Value Education Department of the Xavier Institute of Education in Mumbai from 1965 to 1971. He had a deep analysis of the education situation in India and in the world as a whole. He was a person who lived and worked tirelessly for the value based development.Desmond gave up his position as a professor of St. Xavier College, Mumbai and opted to work in the field of education in the rural areas. He first worked with groups of adults creating awareness of the situation along with giving them literacy in the non-formal method of Paula Freire. This experience made him realize that while concentrating on working with grownups we were losing a whole generation of children. Desmond was a strong believer of Education as a tool for empowerment. The education which he believed in was one which made people critically aware of their situation. He was a visionary, he dreamt of a just equitable and humane society, which is sustainable only with each member of the society, participating fully in the process of development. His concept of development was one where people plan, implement and monitor their own development. This to him was the only way towards shaping a just and equitable society.

VALORED’s Vision

We belive that the right to education and right to have its full childhood belong to every child in the world and in the county and in which so many millions of children do not have access to any school but are enslaved in hard work right from their early years .

We also belive that education should be in-keeping with the psychology of the child –not a burden or a period of boredom, with emphasis on discipline and punishment but a pleasant experience in which the child learns at its own pace and rooted in its own experience and not that which is imposed by teachers and education department .

We believe that education should lend it self not only to the intellectual growth of the child but also to its moral and social growth to enable the child to be worthy citizen and equip him/her to face the present day challenges to create a better society…

Goals: To Work for building a sound human value system in the sector of primary education

The Objectives by which we would achieve this was to

  1. Work with communities unmindful of their caste or creed but to concentrate specially on the weaker section of society and specially those based in rural areas.
  2. To strengthen the formal education system making it more effective relevant and useful for children of the underprivileged and marginalized section of society
  3. To work with teacher towards making primary education child-oriented.
  4. To make the school community centered where the community is involved in every aspects of the running of the school and framing the syllabus
  5. To have a network of teachers. Teachers too are adults who are products of the prevalent value system. Hence have seminars and workshops on relevant topics which will enable them to think, reflect and act and pass this on to the children placed under their care.
  6. To liaison with the government along with the local communities, the teachers and the local Panchayath when and where change is necessary in the field of education.
  7. To spread the practice of democratic values of equality, respect for every one rich or poor, educated or non educated, literate or illiterate, respect for women and the girl child, cooperation versus competition, sharing versus self accumulation.
  8. To create public awareness regarding children’s problems especially the negative biases towards the girl child, child labour and child rights.

Mile Stones -The Process of our work:


Preparatory Activities 1993-1996

In order to have a better insight to the existing education system and to critically analyse the objectives of the project from the field perspective following preparatory activities were carried out. The outputs of these activities were helpful and critical in getting goals and objectives of the programmes.

Study: It was the bankruptcy of education system that triggered off our project of Value oriented education. This programme was launched in the month of April 1993. Once the team was recruited the first few months were spent in getting a general orientation to education especially to education in primary school. We concentrated on documenting the many articles we had collected on primary education and the situation of education in India, child psychology, community and rural psychology.
On the basis of materials available and collected from various institution and form the government a study was conducted in South Canara and Udupi district. The Objective of the study was to understand the relevance of curriculum to the family background of students. The out come of the study reaffirmed our belief that the curriculum and the reading materials available for the students were not in relation to their day to day living and the materials were insensitive to address the social issues of today. The materials were also supportive of the practices which are gender discrimination and class supportive. The materials were insensitive to the local needs such as language, culture, living conditions both economic and social and environmental preservation. Regular discussions on various aspects like the specific situation and problems of primary schools, the psychology of the rural and urban children, the relevance of the text and teaching in their lives, the values or absence of values instilled through the books and teaching were studied. The team participated in several local workshops on education. Exposure programmes were organized to schools where different experiments are being done for child oriented education. These exposures helped to study and evaluate objectively the text books, the methodologies used. The reactions of the parents, their indifference or even hostility, the incompetence of the school staff, the total disregard of the community in the primary school were taken note of.

More than exhorting the teachers to introduce values and more child-oriented methodologies into their teaching, we believed it will be more practical and acceptable of we already provide them with aids to introduce these values and methodologies.We selected schools with the criteria as below:
a. Schools that are already existing.
b. Located in remote areas
c. catering mainly dalits and tribals
d. Having a large percentage of girls enrolled in them.

II Phase: Working on Textbook guides: 1996 – 1999

While the team had been going through the articles which had been collected during the past few years, its members studied each of them and wrote a note on each article covering its main theme. The collection of articles gave the team a comprehensive picture of our education system and the possible orientations we might need in our work of preparing guides to the present text books used in the Kannada medium schools in the state.

The text books used in the Kannada primary schools in the Karnataka state were analysed. Charts were prepared and pasted around the room on these books. The findings about each textbook were worked out on a chart. After completing all the lessons of every subject taught from standards I to VII, series of seminars were organized to the teachers from different schools. In these seminars, workshop were organized, where groups of teachers and experts using the charts that were already on display, prepared guides for lessons based on the matter prepared by the group. This turned out to be a very effective way of preparing the guides to the lessons. In these seminars and workshops we also worked towards increased community participation. As an outcome of all these workshops and seminars our clientele of teachers and parents got more and more expanded and requests to conduct such seminars were on the increase. We also developed a very good group of resource persons who were experts in their own field.

III Phase: Launching of the Resource Center . 1999 -2002

The unprecedented successes of our past years of experience in a few schools has led us to extend the programmes of activities to other schools. We felt that several schools which at present are beyond the scope of our programme would be able to do much better if some basic resources were placed at their disposal in the way of guidance, books and participation of seminars like the ones we have been conducting. Hence we felt it would be most useful and even necessary to extend our work through a resource center in Mangalore aided by smaller resource centers in the various taluks of South Kanara and Udupi.

Education Resource Center (ERC’s)

Four Education Resource Centers were established namely Belthangadi, Bantwal, Mangalore and Udupi at the taluk level of undivided South Canara District with the idea of bringing about active participation of the local community in the welfare of its schools and activities.In 2008 VALORED extended its work to four more taluks namely Putturu, Sulya, kundapura and Karkala.

The ERC’s played a vital role in bridging the gap between schools and community, teachers and parents, teachers and children, the community and the education department. The RCs took the initiative to conduct meetings for planning and implementation of programmes for the teachers, children and the community at large. There was a continuous dialogue with the education department officials and their cooperation was ensured.

Through these resource centers……….

To involve teachers in the primary schools in an organized and effective way.
To sustain and continue locally existing human and people oriented values in the primary education process for e.g tribal and dalit value.
To help the rural students to understand and learn skills and new learning methods to improve their teaching and the children’s creativity.
To identify local resources and utilize them in a educational process
To motivate more and more child-centered and creative activities in primary schools.
To actively involve teachers in educational process for e.g. preparation of test books, Government Education policy.
To prepare guidelines, demonstrate and find out something new for teachers to develop their skills
To share their experience and contribute their ideas among teachers so that they come to know each other.
To spread the idea of improvising the quality of education
To formulate the public’s opinion to form a better education policy
To identify the talents of teachers.

Aims and Objectives of these Resource Centers:

Through these ERC’s we aim at activating a process of education were the poorest in the rural areas well be provide an authentic education for their holistic development. The process of learning will be child oriented and activity based, so that the dropout rate can be reduced. The whole education orientation will be towards social justice/ the approaches to education will not be institutional but people oriented. The education envisaged should include a complete training and formation of the human person. This must cover the physical, social , spiritual and moral development of the integral human personality. Value and right attitudes must be inculcated in these primary school as the most fundamental basis of a true human development.
Ultimately our purpose in establishing these ERC’s is part of our primary aim which is to bring about social transformation of society, starting with the grassroots in the rural areas.

IV: Phase 2002 – 2005

In the fourth face special focus was given to gender mainstreaming, community participation, child rights, and ownership etc.

While this process was going on, the need for having Newsletter with relevant contents for the knowledge of teachers in the education field was raised. As awareness was essential as also the need for teachers to share their experiences and opinions, also of our activities the news letter “Mathukathe” a dialogue, was initiated. Originally, it consisted of few pages but this publication has been a very important innovation. This has proved to be a platform for the teachers to share their experiences and seek solutions to their problems arising from primary education. They fond in this newsletter a ready outlet and an answer to several of their teaching problems.

At this stage a need for detailed study of situation of primary schools was felt and a study was designed. A team of volunteers conducted survey in two districts totally 720 children were interviewed. The analysis of the study gave a clear indication that the text book in no way suits the need of the children. The curriculum has no connection with the socio-cultural background of the children, because of which many children do not enjoy the process of learning. We prepared guides and handbooks for the teachers for every lesson in each of these subjects. These guides were expected to offer help to teachers.

The CEC’s :

The RC’s were strengthened by four community education centers. These CEC’s consisted of teachers, parents, CBO’s Panchayath representative, NGO’s etc. 16 CEC’s were started which were motivated to take active participation in the educational development of their particular area. The teachers enrichment programmes, public awareness programmes and children’s and children’s creativity activities went on in the CEC’s, and the response was good. In this particular phase the concept of child oriented learning in the class rooms, attractive class & school atmosphere was discussed on. The effort were done to convince the local Education officers.

V. Phase: 2005 – 2008

In this phase total concentration was given to work in promoting an atmosphere which is Value based, Gender sensitive, health and education conscious child rights assertive through the community based network in Grama Panchayath Blocks. Hence the developed indicators were:

The rate of community participation, the teachers and community sensitization towards gender related issue
Society attitude towards the deprived children
The conceptually equipped resource person team to impart value oriented education concept in schools and community
Children’s network to concertise the child about child rights and value base, gender sensitive, health and education based modules were found functioning effectively by the teachers.

Concrete results that were reached:

In order to fulfill the developed objective the project worked to get the following results:

• The Grama Panchyath Education Centers (GPES’s) in addressing the educational and health needs of the community by involving Resource Centre (RC’s) and community Resource Centers (CE’s) at grass root level
• Implementation of value oriented, gender conscious, class and caste sensitive, child friendly, health & education practices in schools
• Network at taluk, district, state and national level will address the issues related to quality education gender and health concern and child rights in the form of capacitating campaign and advocacy
• Establishment of conceptually equipped teachers, RC members, SDMC, GPEC and Resource team to address the primary education and child related issues
• Project equipped with systematic education research studies and documentations, and the project management involves conceptually professionally equipped team.

VI Phase: 2008 – 2011

The overall goal will be builsding a sound human value system in the sector of primary education in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts.Purpose: To promote an atmosphere which is value based, gender sensitive, health and education conscious, child right assertive through the community based network in Grama Panchayath Blocks.
• A community owned federation of resource centre focus on the quality education and child right issues at various level.
• Sensitised teachers and department actively involved in planning and implementing value oriented quality education.
• NGOs and department work hand in hand to ensure child right, child right friendly environment in the district.
• Children’s group addressing child right issues and participate in planning decision making process at different level i.e Taluk, District, State
• Equipped documentation centre for ensuring child friendly concept functioning at district level, which will strengthen the ERCs at taluk level.

VII Phase: 2011 – 2014

In this phase VALORED is concentrating on the RTE, child protection systems, Advocacy at the state level, building up of a human force and a resource persons group. With this in mind we hope to reach the following;

• Existence of Child Right Protection system.
• Quality Education prevails in those schools that were guided by the education resource centers.
• Educational personnel of all sector insists on quality education free of gender discrimination, child friendly environment and child rights.
• Child related information and documentation center at the District level for all educational stakeholders exists.
• A module replica of DEd training institution and qualitative/creative teachers created
• A force for quality education exists.Measurable indicators

• A force of 30 members from various networks exists who work for quality education
• 2 Registered District Federations are resourceful and capacitated to work independently.
• Child protection systems such as CWC,JJB, CWO, SJPU, District Child protection unit, Child Right Clubs at schools, Anti Child Trafficking Committee at Panchayath level, state commission for child protection activated and strengthened at state/District/Taluk and Grama Panchayath level
• Modules available to advocate the change of the quality of D.Ed education for peplica in other institutions
• Child friendly teachers bring about democratic value among children in schools and these schools are free form corporal punishment and child right violation.
• An easy access to information on education, health and social aspects for the various sectors of the people.
• Documentation center has a compilation of all the latest amended and passed acts, government policies, circulars related to education, child right and Health & other developmental activities.
• Documentaries on child related, domestic violence, HIV and health, constitutional values are obtained and screened at regular intervals. (1st year 40%, 2nd year 30% and 3rd year 30%).
• An effective monitoring system is developed in VALORED Headquarters and functions throughout the action period.Impacts intended/gender specific impact of the project on the target group/beneficiaries:
The concrete impact of working through 2 federations and RC’s are as follows:-
• SDMC and Grama Panchayath strengthened by 8 RCs in which parents, teachers Panchayath representatives, CBO’s and Dalith organizations participate
• The project concentrated its work in 800 schools and through the RC various activities conducted for the development of sustainable peoples participation in schools
• The school development and monitoring committees functioning effectively to bring about quality education.
• The conventions of SDMC members held in Zonal, District, Inter district level, where people orient resolutions are drawn for policy level changes and Advocacy is initiated
• Activities conducted in collaboration with state campaigns for ensuring child rights (awareness building ) child right wings is initiated which work as watchdogs for protection of child rights in two districts.
• The role of local grama Panchayath in education development is brought to the notice of concerned people.

The RC leaders strive hard to sensitize the role of Panchayath in education by involving their schools in training workshop for Panchayath (held by Govt. Department).The concrete impact of advocacy to caring about the changes in D.Ed education and curriculum for quality education are a follows:

• The teacher educator and primary schools teachers are motivated to bring about child friendly, gender sensitive, learning situation in classroom and they have clarity in this concepts.
• The CACs and SDMC’s of the schools have taken steps to identify the dropout children in their area and pressurise Education department to rehabilitate them in the school system.
• Teacher education policy will bring about quality teacher to cope with the present situation.

As it grew from 2004 to 2011


Padi is a Registered society that aims at working towards Education for creation of just human society. This society is established as a public, secular, service institution, serving the underprivileged irrespective of their caste, religion or creed, with special emphasis on service for the weaker sections of society in the areas of education and social development having the objectives i.e., to strengthen the formal education system, undertake and assist Community Development Programmes, to create public awareness regarding children Problems, Child Labour, Child Rights, gender, Health/HIV/AIDS, studies And various services. PADI is not only well recognized by the Education Department but also by Women & Child Development and Health departments. Hence department avail the services of PADI in their programme as collaboration work or as Resource persons. Working hand in hand with the Department has also helped PADI in achieving many of our objectives. Popularity and rapport built with the Education Department has enabled PADI to demand for enforcement of some of our resolutions made with regards to Child Right Protection and Education, SDMC and Teacher Network.

In a nut shell following are the programmes conducted ever since 2004 to this date:

Girl child enrollment drive: It is a known fact and statistics show that percentage wise the drop out rate is higher in girl child. Higher the education higher is the dropout rate or discontinuation for various reasons. Supporting child rights and enrollment drive was conducted in the month of June in Bantwal Taluk. Home visits, school visits were conducted with the help of the local community and going through the school admission list. 60 children were identified and brought back to school.

Field Exposure for Teachers and RC members on Educational Experiments : A group of teachers and RC members were taken on an exposure to Rishi Valley school to understand and visualize child centred oriented school. What ever they studied they shared it with the media and are planning to see if such a set up can be worked out in the schools of Dakshina Kannada.

Material Production Workshop on HIV: A material production workshop was organized for teachers, RC members and some eminent personalities to prepare teaching material on HIV/AIDS which will be used in schools for awareness programme on health, sex and value based education.

Gram Panchayath Election and Children : Children are the gems of our society. They need to be given amply opportunities to grow in wisdom and understanding. In collaboration with CACL the children were given on opportunity to view the election procedures and to have a dialogue with the candidates who stood for the election. This was an eye opener for the children and candidates. The children shared their experiences with their school mates through a similar programme conducted in their respective schools.

Child Trafficking and Child Right Awareness : With the collaboration of UNICEF, CACL-K, Women and Child Welfare Department, Education Resource Centres a Campaign Against Child Trafficking was carried out in DK district. Handbills, posters, stickers and hand cards were printed and distributed to support our cause.

Panchayath Raj : Through out the year, at regular intervals, in groups gram Panchayath training was imparted for the panchayat members of Bantwal and Mangalore in collaboration with Abdul Nazeer Sab Institution. The topics covered during these trainings were Dropouts, child labour, Enrollment, SDMC, child and women, health, water and sanitation. In groups of 30 to 35 these members were made aware of their responsibilities towards the community, schools, village development and so on and the facilities available at the Gram Panchayath for the various sectors.

HIV / AIDS Awareness Programme : AIDS has attained an alarming proportions in the country. The rate in all states has been increasing alarmingly. Hence PADI in collaboration with KPWCN felt the need to not only conduct programmes to bring about awareness in the community but also at the same time to impart education to the already infected on naturopathy, aromapathy, oil massaging, use of medicinal plants, diet intake that is rich in building body resistance and so on. Such programme were conducted in the months of April, July, August, September, December, January and February respectively. Children and youth group were also included in some of the programme.

ASER STUDY: This is a survey conducted on the Education Status of Children in schools from 5 to 16 years of age, especially their mathematics and languages reading skills. It is a national level study and PADI was involved in conducting this study in Dakshina Kannada District. It collected the DATA and sent the same to PRATHAM for consolidation. Such studies help PADI in undertaking the effectiveness of our teaching on the children. This study is conducted every year right from 2005.

Educational Programme for Special Children: In collaboration with SSA 12 special Educators were recruited under the Special Education Project in March 2010 to cater to the teaching needs of special children by PADI. These teachers have to work in 7 blocks of Dakshina Kannada District throughout the year and see that the special children either get their home based education or special care in enabling them to go to school. The work of these teachers is monitored by PADI. PADI is to take up this Project as it reaches out to those children who need special care and protection and they also get a chance to study.

Personality Development Camp: In collaboration with SPANDANA Welfare Society, Sisters of Charity-Jeppu, a personality development Training camp of adolescent children was held in their campus. The Training subjects were leadership, communication skills, values, gender discrimination and career guidance. PADI was involved in giving the training to these children, also at the same time was able pass on the thoughts of VALORED to these children.

Constitutional Rights Jatha: Many Civil Society/Organization like NGO Forum, SANCHALANA, PADI, WOMEN Network, RC Federation and RC all got together under the banner of SACHA to spread the constitutional values of India in the wake of unrest created by some communal wings which was bringing in discrimination between various sectors of the people disturbing the peace of the Country and Violating the very rights of the constitution Hence a JATHA was held in Mangalore and various papers on dalith rights, Minority Rights, Child Rights, constitutional Rights, Women Rights were presented and also brought to the notice of the media. Thus the people and the right wing activists were made aware of the constitution rights like Right to Freedom of speech and Expression, Right to Freedom of Religion, Right to Education and so on.

Primary Education : Creative teaching and child friendly teaching is what is most need in the process of imparting education for the present generation of children. Children’s reasoning and questioning power has to be encouraged by the teachers. At the same time teaching has to be more children oriented than teacher oriented. With this in mind 40 teachers and Anganwadi teachers had under gone training in skill development with regards to text book and classroom subjects. Various skills to enhance their creativity in teaching was imparted to them. Similarly another training was conducted for the 7th Std. students in Carrier Guidance and Creative thinking.

SDMC Training: For the last consecutive 5 years Padi has been involved in conducting SDMC training programmes. This year too the Govt. had introduced a new circular on the recent changes in the SDMC. Based on this and in collaboration with the Dept. SDMC Training were conducted in the month of March 2007 in Belthangady Taluk to be followed with Training for all the other Taluks of D.K. District. The contents of these trainings were clarity about the new circular policy, role and responsibilities of SDMC members, SDMC’s relationships with Grama Panchayath.

Community Awareness: This year Padi stressed a lot of importance on child rights, as there has been increase in the no. of child abuse, child rape, child harassment cases. A wide spread awareness was given on J.J.Act 2000, Child acts and child rights. This programme was supported by Women and Child Welfare Dept. Also awareness on importance of Education – Child Rights was imparted to Students, Community, Teachers, Panchayat members and the Police Department. An outdoor children’s painting on Environment programme was conducted where the children were made to realize the importance of greenery and parks.

Training and Exposure: Under this programme a team of 8 teachers had been to Araville in the month of February 2007 to study Isai Ambalam School Education system so that they could see if the same could be implemented in the D.K. Schools. This was a very educative exposure.Training cum Exposure programme was carried out in Mulky for the DEd students on Gender Sensitivity, Career Guidance, Adolescent Health Education and the Psychological and Health problems faced by children. A group of children were taken to the forest for an Exposure and were introduced to the medicinal and herbal plants of the forest. This exposure was to make the children understand the value of the forest and love for nature.

Child Right Awareness : Child abuses, child labour, child trafficking, child rape, kidnapping have been increasingly coming to the notice of the general public and the police, but because of lack of proper awareness on child rights and the J.J.Act neither the Department nor the police or the general public were able to react in a justifying manner to such cases. As such the children are the ones who are suffering without getting proper justice. Hence wide spread awareness programme were carried out on J.J.Act, Child Rights and Child Acts. One such programme was carried out for the Department, Police Personal, Lawyers and other NGO’s. Prof.Ravi Verma Kumar – Senior Lawyer of High Court, Dr.H.V.Parshwanath – Deputy Commissioner, Mr.G.V.Hegde – Session Judge of D.K.District, Prof.B.K.Ravindra – Principal, SDM Law College were present for this programme. Similar programmes were also carried out in Bantwal, Belthangady, Sulya, Puttur and Mulki at different dates in the year.

To make people understand and be aware of the hardships that a child laborers or street children under go, an Art/photo exhibition was held at St.Aloysius College Hall. The Photos and Art was exhibited were the collections made by the street children themselves. Hence, this programme was more realistic and original.

Adolescent Girls Programme : With globalization tremendous changes are taking place, society is changing at a very fast phase, along with economic growth, socializ

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Federation Objectives

There is the famous saying that in unity there is strength. PADI and the RC members of all the taluks in D.K. and Udupi district realized at the long run that in order to carry out advocacy with the education department, or to obtain any government programmes, or to conduct collaboration programmes with the Government department or in organizing any educational programmes at the district or state level it is necessary that all the taluk RCs get united as one. It was this concept that gave rise to the formation of the Federation at the two districts of Udupi and D.K.


To strengthen the community participation to establish a qualitative and value based educational environment.

To sensitize the community members on the importance of providing qualitative education to all primary and High school children and to create an environment to achieve the same.

To promote egalitarian values like casteless, classless, gender sensitive, secular values in schools and motivate them to incorporate these values effectively.

To strengthen the Village education committee, to ensure quality education at the village level.

To build a network of educationist who are interested in educational development, to respond to the ongoing needs of the education sector and thereby initiating a educational movement.

To motivate the citizens to participate actively to build a conducive environment for the protection of child rights as well as to provide qualitative education to all children.

To implement value based and other educational activities in collaboration with Governmental Departments

To plan and implement value based education in collaboration with Community Based Organization and Voluntary Organization

To form, revive and motivate the Taluk Education Resource Centres to achieve the Federations goals and objectives.

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Ashida:(Arogya Shiskshna Dakalalthe)

Documentation on Health education especially related to HIV/AIDS was taken up. A compilation of Veenadhari’s articles was done in view of publishing a booklet on “Aids as a Industry”.

Also we intend to bring forth material regarding Right to Employment for HIV infected. Other than this a student was sponsored for his higher education as he was an HIV and going through a lot of stress. A representative from PADI was sent to Mumbai and then to Trivandrum to attend a seminar/workshop on HIV/AIDS. While receiving knowledge she has also shared her experiences with the group for she herself is an HIV affected and working for the cause of HIV/AIDS affected .

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The vision of PADI is to create a safe, supportive and responsive society that upholds the protection rights and dignity of every child in India (as defined by the law). This is to be achieved by establishing effective prevention and early intervention measures, strengthening treatment support services and building partnerships. We do this by engaging with all sectors of society upon whom the well being of children depends, in initiatives that will bring about these changes.


Definition of Child according to CRC:

A child means every human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier

1.1 PADI is committed to the rights and welfare of children in India and opposes all forms of child abuse, especially child sexual abuse and exploitation

1.2PADI is committed to upholding the law on child rights and welfare, as outlined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and various legal statutes of   the prevailing law in India

UN Article 19:

No one should hurt you in any way. Adults should make sure that you are protected from abuse, violence and neglect. Even your parents have no right to hurt you.

UN Article 34:

You have the right to be protected from sexual abuse. This means that nobody can do anything to your body that you do not want them to do, such as touching you or taking pictures of you or making you say things that you don’t want to say.

1.3  PADI believes that all children have a right to protection from abuse irrespective of race, social background, age, gender, skin color, disability, religion, caste or beliefs.

1.4  PADI believes that child abuse and exploitation is not acceptable in any form. Keeping silent and inaction is also wrong, if it is known that a child is being abused or exploited.

1.5. PADI believes in the importance of child protection, so that not only are children protected from abuse by PADI committee (or board of directors) members, staff, donors, and volunteers, but also that preventative measures can be made to protect the name of PADI staff, and the PADI’s own integrity.

1.6  PADI believes that children have the right to participation through any form of expression (in accordance with their evolving capacities) and be heard. Therefore where possible children will also be included as stakeholders and in research and other relevant reports/evaluations.

1.7  All committee (or board of directors) members, staff, and volunteers agree to this policy. It will be evaluated and reviewed every year by PADI and the Board based on experience and evolving circumstances and law.


2.1.1  Physical Abuse: Actual or likely physical injury to a child, or failure to prevent physical injury, or suffering, to a child, including deliberate or non-accidental hitting, beating, shaking, throwing, burning, drowning, suffocating or poisoning, drugging, any form of corporal punishment.

2.1.2.  Mental/Emotional Abuse: Actual or likely severe adverse effect on the emotional and behavioral development of a child caused by persistent or severe emotional ill treatment or rejection. May involve conveying to the child that they are worthless, unloved or inadequate and cause children to feel frightened, in danger and corrupted.

2.1.3  Physical and emotional abuse may occur even when a parent or caretaker may not have intended to hurt the child. It may however have been the result of physical or emotional over discipline or punishment which is inappropriate to the age of the child.

2.1.4 Neglect: The persistent or severe neglect of a child or the failure to protect a child from exposure to any kind of danger, including severe weather conditions and starvation, or extreme failure to carry out important aspects of care, resulting in the significant impairment of the child’s health or development, including non-organic failure to thrive.

The various aspects of neglect can be further detailed as below:  The failure to provide for the child’s basic needs. Neglect can be physical, educational, or emotional. Physical neglect can include not providing adequate food or clothing, appropriate medical care, supervision, or proper weather protection (heat or cold). It may include abandonment. Educational neglect includes failure to provide appropriate schooling or special educational needs, allowing excessive truancies. Psychological neglect includes the lack of any emotional support and love, never attending to the child, spousal abuse, drug and alcohol abuse including allowing the child to participate in drug and alcohol use.

2.1.5  Sexual Abuse: Actual or likely exploitation of a child, representing the involvement of dependent, developmentally immature children in sexual activities they do not truly comprehend, to which they are unable to give informed consent or that violate social taboos or family rules, such as but not limited to touching a child’s genitals, forcing a child to watch or take part in pornography or coercing the child to have sex. It is considered abuse whether or not the child consents.

 Sexual exploitation is the exchanging of money or other economic favors in return for sex.

The abuser is often an adult but can be a child as well.

Child Sexual Abuse Includes-

  • An adult exposing his/her genitals to a child or persuading the child to do the same
  • An adult touching/ fondling a child’s genitals or making the child touch the adult’s genitalia.
  • An adult involving a child in pornography which includes exposing a child to pornographic material
  • An adult having  oral, vaginal or anal intercourse with a child
  • Any verbal or other sexual suggestion made to a child by adult
  • An adult persuading children to engage in sexual activity

Above points are some examples but sexual abuse is not limited to these points. To be considered child abuse these acts have to be committed by a person responsible for the care of a child or related to the child. If a stranger commits these acts, it would be considered sexual assault. It is considered abuse whether or not the child consents. Sexual exploitation is the exchanging of money or other economic favors in return for sex.


3.1  PADI expects all its partner organizations (committee members, staff, volunteers, patrons, and visitors) to give respect and dignity to all children associated with the work of PADI, as well as children within the personal lives of those individuals connected to PADI.

3.2  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors with direct contact with projects and children must sign a statement to say that they have read the policy, will respect and abide by it and understand that action will be taken in cases where behavior is not in accordance to the policy.  This will lead to disciplinary action and possible job loss for staff or dismissal of committee members or volunteers who break these protocols.

3.3 Permission will be required from authorized persons PADI, for volunteers and external visitors to take photographs or video footage of children. Authorization should be sought from the Director/Committee and strict regulations will be implemented on the nature of how photographs are taken. These photographs and/or video will not be used for any other purpose outside PADI without prior permission. It is advisable to take the consent of the children and share the pictures with them to the extent possible.

3.4  Committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors must never be alone with children who are not their own offspring in a private place that cannot be readily seen by other responsible adults.

3.5  Where possible and practical, the ‘two – adult’ rule, wherein two or more adults supervise all activities where minors or children are involved and are present at all times, should be followed. If this is not possible, PADI staff members are encouraged to look for alternatives such as being accompanied by community members on visits to children.

3.6  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors will not discipline a child in a way that is against the Convention on the Rights of the ChildThis effectively means no tolerance to any form of violence against the child.

3.7  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors need to be aware that they may work with children who, because of the circumstances and abuses they have experienced, may use a relationship to obtain “special attention”. The adult is always considered responsible even if a child behaves seductively. Adults should avoid being placed in a compromising or vulnerable position.

3.8  Inappropriate behavior toward children, including failure to follow PADI Behavior Protocols or sexual abuse of a child is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment, volunteer/internship or board /advisory council membership.

3.9  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors must be concerned about perception and appearance in their language, actions and relationships with minors and children. PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors should maintain a high standard of behavior/character in presence of children. (Example: should not use any unacceptable language in the presence of a child)

3.10  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors dress appropriately and culturally sensitive when they visit children, families, communities and programs or work with children.

3.11  Inexperienced PADI staff and volunteers should not try to handle children with complicating problems. (Example: children who have been sexually abused). These children should be directed to PADI a team or professionals with the consultation of the responsible officers.

3.12  PADI committee members, staff and volunteers should seek to live up to the PADI Mission Statement and Core Values in all relationship with others in any circumstances.


  • PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors will be carefully and properly screened during their recruitment period, including obtaining a police check where possible or necessary.
  • PADI committee members, staff and volunteers will be carefully and properly screened during their recruitment period which includes signing to agree to the Child Protection Policy and stating that there have been no previous convictions for abuse against children, violent behavior or improper and unlawful conduct.
  • PADI will ensure that all the references of approved local candidates for work are checked, preferably by telephone, and recorded in the staff files before the new staff member is invited to take the position. This will include a verbal and written request to the referee of whether they have any concerns as to why the candidate should be employed to work with children.
  • PADI staff, volunteers and visitors agree to inform the Director/Committee Member immediately if new information arises that casts doubt on the team member’s trustworthiness with children. Such information would be treated as confidential and disclosed to the individual team member for appropriate action.
  • Individuals who are hired as independent contractors are notified of PADI’s Policy and Required Standards for Child Protection and are made aware that they are expected to follow behavior protocols set out below.
  • In the best interests of children, organizations must not hire anyone with a prior conviction for child abuse, pedophilia or related offences. In the event that local law prohibits this broad hiring rule, no person with a conviction for child abuse, paedophilia or related offences may be hired into any position which includes direct access to children. PADI reserves the right not to hire an applicant if the background check reveals that the person is not suitable to work with children.

4.1.  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors will be encouraged to be open in discussing the potential of abuse within the organization, including during the mandatory annual child protection training.

4.2  Where an allegation has been made that any of PADI committee member, staff, volunteer or visitors has abused a child, PADI will take the appropriate action to deal with the situation.

4.2.1.  Where there is an allegation, first inform the Director. If the Director is the subject of the allegation, a Committee (or board of directors) member must be informed.

4.2.2. The allegation will be kept confidential, with only those directly involved having the appropriate information.

4.2.3.  All details will be entered on the PADI Allegation form and filed confidentially.

4.2.4.  PADI committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors found to be widening the circle of confidentiality will have disciplinary action taken against them according to the rules of the sending agency. Committee members and staff will receive a written warning.

4.2.5.  Any investigations will be kept confidential and take place under external advice and counsel.

4.2.6.  Relationships with child welfare and legal organizations should be encouraged for accountability and support in times following an allegation.

4.2.7.  Both child and alleged perpetrator will be treated with respect from the start of the process to the end.

4.2.8.  PADI will not dismiss a child’s accusation of abuse without appropriate investigation, no matter who the alleged perpetrator is.

4.2.9.  PADI will confer with other organizations in a case where the child involved requires extra protection.

4.2.10.  Records will be made of all facts related to the investigation and allegation, and these will be carefully and confidentially filed by the Committee. (Refer to allegation forms)

4.2.11. If a foreigner is involved, the relevant Embassy will be informed.

4.2.12.  PADI will designate someone to deal with the media and the police if necessary. Consideration will be made beforehand by the Committee about how the police and media will be informed/involved.


 5.1.  In order to facilitate the reporting, investigation and follow-through of all cases, PADI will set up formal or informal support systems of related professionals and authority within their community. That is, relationships will be maintained with local police, government or non-government social services, doctors, lawyers, social workers, and teachers. All individuals should be encouraged to attend the PADI annual child protection training sessions, as both participants as well as providers of information related to their community and particular service.

5.2.  Whenever a staff of PADI has a reasonable cause to believe that a child, regardless of whether served by PADI, is being abused, that staff must report within 48 hours to the Director, who will report immediately to local authority utilizing the same Allegation form of 5.2.10.

5.3.  Procedures from all points of 5.2 will be followed, assuring the safety of the alleged victim and all children within the community.


6.1.  PADI recognizes that the world-wide web is increasingly being used by those seeking to abuse children, and that photographs are doctored to create further abuse of children. Therefore, PADI will only post pictures of groups of children on its website, and not individuals. It will never display pictures of children in brothels or in vulnerable situations.

6.2.  Where photographs of children are used, PADI will take special care to protect children’s identities and specific geographic location in all materials.

6.3   Disclosure of information about past or present abuse of children and any of the persons involved should be limited to only the people who need to know.

6.4  Communications about children should use pictures that are decent and respectful, not presenting them as victims. Children should be adequately clothed and poses that could be interpreted as sexually suggestive should be avoided. Language that implies a relationship of power should also be avoided.

6.5  Individuals or organizations requesting the use of PADI resources such as videos or photographs should be required to sign an agreement with the appropriate PADI entity as to the proper use of such materials. The agreement should include a statement that any use of such materials for purposes other than what is agreed upon could subject the borrowing individual or organization to legal action. Furthermore, failure to adhere to the agreed upon use of the material will result in the immediate termination of PADI’s permission to use the subject materials and/or require immediate return of all materials provided by PADI as well as any copies of such materials.

6.6  Private correspondence with individual children by volunteers is discouraged. When reasonable ground exists, all correspondence with a child by the PADI volunteers is reviewed for inappropriate or suggestive comments, requests or obscenities. In the event of inappropriate correspondence being discovered, PADI reserves the right to sever the volunteer relationship.


 7.1  PADI will implement training to ensure that all committee members, staff, volunteers and visitors understand the content of this Child Protection Policy before signing their commitment. This training will be provided as mandatory participation by all new member and staff, and local support team members. The scope  of the training will include but not limit itself to Definitions of child abuse, characteristics, causes, handling of disclosure, reporting systems, laws, local multi-disciplinary specific measures open to PADI.

7.2  PADI will be committed to the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of child protection procedures and behavior protocols. Annual staff evaluations will include the items of active listening, activities and behavior that empower clients, assertiveness when advocating for a client, and basic knowledge on child protection issues.

7.3.  Once a year there will be an opportunity for all members, staff and volunteers to partake in a self appraisal and peer appraisal to monitor the behavior of each.

7.4  Should there be any concerns, these should be raised with the Director/ Committee.

8.  DECLARATION OF COMMITMENT: To be signed by all PADI committee (board of directors) members, staff, volunteer visitors and partner organizations.  A copy will be kept on file in the PADI office.


There is a need to address both the practical and strategic needs of women in the work place. The current situation is such that there is inequity in the participation of men and women in major decision making areas. Women do not enjoy equal status in terms of making choices on issues affecting them.


Objectives of Gender Policy:

  • To explicitly state the organizational commitment towards gender
  • To provide a direction towards building gender related agenda
  • To provide a framework for effectively integrating gender concerns into the organizational agenda and policy domain
  • To create equal opportunities and a conducive environment for women and men at work place
  • To promote equal representation and participation of women in decision making at the professional/ programmatic and administrative levels.

At Organizational level: 

A. Staff composition/representation

  • Recruiting adequate women staff and ensuring the balance also at senior levels; with an objective of achieving a numerical gender balance in all posts at all levels.
  • Ensuring equal opportunities among male and female staff for personal growth, in promotion benefits, training and working conditions
  • Ensuring equitable representation and participation of men and women in the core group, Board of trustees and in various functional committees of the organization.

B.  Workplace

  • Providing a safe and secure workplace for women staff, free from sexual harassment with a Gender Complaints committee to look into specific concerns.
  • Providing an enabling and friendly work environment where both men and women enjoy and actively participate in work. This includes providing flexible working hours and allowing working from home, wherever possible
  • Extending work related concessions and relaxations for women staff depending upon the situations and requirements; e.g. providing secure transport facilities when they work late hours; giving relaxation over travel time for the next day for those in the field; ensuring security measures along with minimum basic facilities for women staff travelling in the field.
  • Reviewing the organizational structure, functioning, problems in relation to gender imbalances among staff and the work environment time to time and taking definite steps to address the same
  • Strategic orientation to staff in the field based programs and advocacy initiatives towards increasing women’s access, control and ownership over the natural resources.

Placing Gender in existing committees:

  • A woman employee who has put in 3 months of service after confirmation shall be entitled for 3 months of Maternity Leave on full pay and under probation, she will be eligible for leave without pay for the same length of period.
  • Men employees when their spouses have children shall be entitled for 30 days of leave either immediately after child birth or fifteen days before child birth and fifteen days after child birth for primary parenting and child nurturing. In case of miscarriage / abortion, women staff can avail 2 weeks of Maternity Leave with full pay and spouses are entitled for one week’s leave.
  • Making efforts to develop infrastructure for childcare facilities in the office premises in order to ensure that the parents can bring their children in circumstances in which the child cannot be taken.

 In the field –

  • Furthering deliberate and intense efforts to promote participation of women and their collectives in various aspects of natural resource management.
  • Facilitating participation and even representation of women in various institutional structures created for the management of natural resources like committees, user groups etc.
  • Analysis of gender disaggregated roles and work patterns, and make special efforts to reduce the work load of women
  • Extending constant orientation of field-level partners on gender perspectives in NRM as part of long-term gender goals like formal recognition of women’s rights over resources like land, assets etc.
  • Ensuring equal wages to equal work for both men and women in the works as part of the programs, where PADI is directly or indirectly involved either as an anchor of the program or as a facilitating support service provider.
  • Making special efforts to constantly identify vulnerable women and provide them the necessary support and guidance.
  • Sensitizing the men and mobilizing their support towards gender balance
  • Building awareness and sensitivity by processing information and publishing communication material in diverse media to appeal different strata of people in our functional domain

C)     Staff capacity building

  • Facilitating staff capacity building processes and trainings to enhance perspectives and conceptual clarity on Gender issues (for all the staff members). It will be an important component of the induction programme
  • Ensuring that all trainings (internal and external) facilitated by the organization are gender-sensitive.- a) training content/methodology/mode of facilitation b) logistics part -time/location of venue/crèche facilities/other logistics/first-aid kit
  • Conducting Gender trainings for both men and women; and ensuring participation of women in all the field level meetings and trainings

D)     Organizational policies and systems

  • Making all HR systems and policies gender-sensitive and responsive, and integrating gender indicators into staff performance appraisal systems.
  • Incorporating and explicitly mentioning gender sensitivity as an essential element in the tasks/job profiles in all terms of reference, including TORs for external consultants.
  • Ensuring that the conceptual clarity and sensitivity on gender issues will be one of the important selection criteria in recruitment processes and capacity building efforts of staff
  • Initiating and building the advocacy around gender balance and making efforts to integrate gender concerns into the scaling up and mainstream developmental programs

E)     Staff benefits

  • Following all statutory requirements related to maternity and paternity leaves.
  • Ensuring that staff access to and use of information technology is gender equitable

Arrangements should be made for recording all information and open access for reviewing the performance of tasks mentioned at organizational level regularly in different forums from staff meetings to Annual meetings.


  • PADI would proactively make several efforts in promoting gender concerns in the work with partners i.e. RCs and Federation It involves extending support to RCs and Federation in organizing training programs, conducting gender studies, preparing resource material, providing documentation support etc.
  • PADI would extend support to RCs and the Federation in developing their own gender policies, strategies and programs
  • Sharing Gender reports with our network members and other organizations and also facilitating similar process within the other organizations to promote gender sensitivity
  • Associating with networks and organisations working on this agenda.
  • Supporting and expressing solidarity with RCs and Federation at field level in taking up issues of discrimination or harassment against women

HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy

Every workplace should develop an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy, to ensure that employees affected by HIV/AIDS are not unfairly discriminated against in employment policies and practices. It also contributes to the lessening of stigma and ignorance surrounding the disease, and the promotion of a healthy work environment.


  • HIV positive employees will be governed by the same con-tractual obligations as all other employees.
  • HIV/AIDS education and awareness training will be made available to all employees.
  • Pre and post test counselling services will be provided for employees wishing to be tested or for those who are infected with the virus.
  • PADI will ensure that where necessary/ appropriate, affected employees and their colleagues receive appropriate advice and guidance should such a colleague wish to disclose their status.
  • The project will also ensure that affected employees are referred to appropriate professionals for e.g. medical and or counselling service.
  • Consultation with affected employees in managing their illness will also be ensured.


Persons with HIV or AIDS have the legal right to confidentiality and privacy concerning their health and HIV status. Under no circumstances will employees be obliged to disclose their HIV status.

Where an employee chooses to voluntarily disclose his/her HIV status to the employer, this information may not be disclosed to any other party without the employees expressed consent.

All medical information regarding employees with HIV/AIDS will be kept strictly confidential, expect where required by law to be disclosed to specified people or / with the consent of the employee.

Should any person within PADI disclose such confidential medical information, without legal authority or relevant consent from the employee, appropriate disciplinary action will be instituted?

Non- discrimination

HIV/ AIDS is a disease that shows no racial, gender, or classes boundaries, PADI believes that person with the HIV or AIDS must be treated on a similar basis to any other employee suffering from a life threatening disease. As such, employees who are HIV positive or those with AIDS will not be subjected to any form of victimisation or discrimination.

PADI is committed to fair, sound and non- discrimination employment practice, employees who developed choose to disclose, or are diagnosed as HIV / AIDS positive will not be prejudiced, victimised or discriminated against on account of their medical condition of status. The presence of HIV/AIDS does not justify termination of employment, demotion, or discrimination in employment. The compulsory of service including person / provident funds, medical aid, stated benefits, sick leaves,  training and development would continue, as amended from time to time. Employees living with HIV/AIDS, have the same rights and obligation as all staff.


PADI acknowledges that employees with HIV/ AIDS as well as other life threatening disease may sometimes need continued therapeutic assistance in order to continue performing their duties. PADI commits itself to assisting employees wherever possible and necessary. Thus employees who are aware that they have a life threatening diseases are encouraged to inform the organisation as soon as possible to enable the organisation to assist. This information will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. No employee will be victimised or discriminated against. All situation(s) will be handled in accordance to the organisation’s Policy.


The diagnosis of HIV status is confidential. Should an employee wish to disclose to the organisation that he/she is HIV positive, appropriate counselling through the organisation’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) service will be offered?


Once an employee disease starts to impact on his / her ability to perform his/ her duties of attendance, the normal incapacity procedures will apply.


It is not possible for colleagues of an HIV positive employee to become infected though normal contact in the work place. Educational programmes in the workplace informing employees of the facts of AIDS should encourage the appropriate attitudes in this regard. Unless the HIV positive employee is acting in an inappropriate manner, it is not acceptable for colleagues to refuse to work with that person.

Should an employee, after reassurance and with all appropriate safety and health precautions being taken and supplied by the organisation, remain unwilling to work with the HIV positive employee and this refusal affects productivity, he/she will be warned that his/her reaction is unreasonable, medically unjustified and that disciplinary action may be taken against him/her.

Any colleague of an HIV positive employee who embarks on any form of discrimination towards that particular employee may be subjected to the organisation’s disciplinary procedure.


To be signed by all PADI committee (board of directors) members, staff, volunteer visitors (Field Practice Students) and partner organizations.  A copy will be kept on file in the PADI office.




        I____________________________________________________________Student of 

        _______________________________________________________College,  declare that

  1. I have read and understand the PADI Child Protection Policy and Work Place Policy and abide to its rules & regulations.
  1. I will work within the procedure as laid out in the PADI Child Protection Policy and Work Place Policy.
  1. I have not been accused or convicted of any offence involving physical or sexual abuse of children or young people.
  1. I understand that if a complaint is brought against me regarding the abuse of children or violation of this policy while engaged in PADI activities, the allegation will be thoroughly investigated in cooperation with the appropriate authorities.
  1. I will agree to follow the field work curriculum of Organisation.


Signature    :           _____________________

Date         :           _____________________




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